現在處於完全被照片給壓垮的狀態,話說我去了 French Canada 三天,拍了六百多張照片,一整個行程就是在坐車跟拍照當中。

接著回來的隔天我跟 Sarah 去騎腳踏車,還去了她家,她做了好吃的三明治 (應該叫捲餅) 招待我,還教我怎麼彈鋼琴~ *^^*

晚上跟 Sheila 去參加他們以前鄰居辦的 Baby 週歲派對。可能因為早上騎單車太累了,所以晚上早早就睡了。

今天中午過後跟 Yuki 去看 Gay Parade (同性戀大遊行),我又拍了 N 百張照片。重點還有發很多東西唷。我拿了一些奇怪的東西,還有一支大棒棒糖。

照片太多,還在整理中,明天要開始上課了,讓我慢慢整理吧~ =___=|||

I went to the French Canada trip three days ago, and I took more than 600 pictures. I saw many beautiful places, but it's long trip, so it's spent long time on bus.

I went biking with Sarah on Saturday. She made a sandwich for me and then she taught me how to play piano in her house. *^^*

Because I was so tired, so I left the birthday party early, then I went home and went to bed early.

Yuki and I went to the Gay Parade today, I took more pictures again. It's funny, and I took something from the parade. These are sticks, condoms, magnets, necklaces, candies, and a big lollipop.

These are so many pictures, so I have to spend more time to arrange them. When I finish it, I will show you.


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